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Gender and LGBTQ+ Studies


Les éditions Cambourakis (main publisher for LGBTQ+ voices)

La collection Points Féministe (a collection of theoretical books about feminism and LGBTQ+ studies)

Le cavalier bleu (gender studies)

Violette and co (a great LGBTQ+ bookstore in Paris)

Les mots à la bouche (another one in the Marais)

Les collages féminicides Paris


Arcigay: Italy’s first and largest non profit organization for the LGBT+ community

Belle di Faccia: Chiara Meloni, Mara Mibelli, 2021a book about fatphobia, available at Hillman Library

Biblioteca Digitale delle donne: digitized documents about feminist movement from the 19th century until today

Cassero: LGBTQIA+ cultural space in Bologna active since 1982, home of Arcigay di Bologna)

Centro documentazione Flavia Madaschi: online collective memory archive of LGBTQIA+ Italians

Il Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli: resources from LGBTQIA+ cultural center in Rome independent LGBTQIA+ news site, features political and cultural coverage of Italian and international events

Libellula Italia: resources and support for the trans community in Italy;

Movimento Identità Trans: resources, projects, and services of one of the most important and influential trans rights activist groups + one of the oldest LGBTQIA+ rights group in Italy;

Non una di meno: resources and support from a feminist and transfeminist non profit; 

Osservatorio femminicidi: map and articles about feminicides in Italy;  

Le Radici dell’Orgoglio: a podcast on the history of the LGBTQIA+ movement in Italy (in Italian);

Alma Sabatini, Il sessismo nella lingua italiana: a foundational document commissioned by the Italian government in 1986;

La vita che merito: a podcast that focuses on LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination centers and case di accoglienza;

Vogliamo anche le rose (Alina Marazzi, 2007): a documentary about the feminist revolution in Italy beginning in the 60s. (Free with English subtitles)

Non-binary French and Italian

Our teaching and practice of French & Italian is non normative and non prescriptive. Students are welcome to use gender inclusive writing (écriture inclusive/scrittura inclusiva) in their assignments as they see fit, using the resources provided to them on this website or in class. 

Elsie Campbell, Queer French through the Ages podcast (coming soon)

Gaia Prunotto, Gender Inclusivity in Italian: Can Gender Neutrality be Reached in a Gendered Language? Difficulties, Proposals and Public Perception of the Phenomenon (MA Dissertation, 2023)