MA Italian Course Offerings
060 Special Topics (most recently: Italian Scientific Writers)
1061 Dante, La Divina Commedia I
1062 Dante, La Divina Commedia II
1063 Petrarch and Boccaccio
1064 The Novel
1065 Lyric Poetry
1066 Epic Poetry
1067 Theater
1068 Italian Novella
2100 Duecento
2200 Dante
2200 Dante: From Hell to Harlem: African American Responses to the Divine Comedy
2201 Trecento
2300 Quattrocento-Cinquecento
2301 Novella
2302 Teatro del Rinascimento
2305 Tasso
2310 Boiardo and Renaissance Ferrara
2315 Renaissance Humanism
2320 Ariosto and Vernacular Classicism
2400 Seicento
2408 Republic of Letters (18th cent.)
2410 Settecento
2420 Goldoni
2500 Ottocento I
2501 Ottocento II
2510 Leopardi
2511 Manzoni
2512 Verga
2513 Foscolo
2600 Novecento I
2601 Novecento II
2700 Literary Criticism
2701 Special Topics
2710 Introduction to the Study of Literature I
2711 Introduction to the Study of Literature II
2750 Scientific Discourse in Italian Literature
2800 Comparative Romance Linguistics I (cross-listed as French 2810 and Spanish 2393)
2801 History of the Italian Language (offered every other year)
2802 Stylistics
2810 Romance Linguistics II (cross-listed as French 2811 and Spanish 2394)
2902 Directed Study
2910 Comprehensive Examinations
2970 Teaching Italian (offered every Fall)
2990 Independent Study